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Classics Readers

Two Year 7 students have won prizes in a prestigious Classics Reading Competition.

Six of our youngest Classics enthusiasts submitted entries to the University of Leeds Classics Reading Competition, with Leah and Charlotte scooping runners up prizes.

The annual competition, which has been running for over 70 years, aims to celebrate Classics, Reading and Performance. The pair were awarded book vouchers from the Classical Association for their re-telling of one of the Twelve Labours of Heracles, the Lernean Hydra, which they researched, composed, performed and filmed independently as part of our Junior Classics Club.

The competition was judged by Timothy McConnell, a PhD candidate at Leeds, whose research focuses on Ancient Greek History & Politics; he praised the duo’s “great rhyme scheme and well considered descriptions… the coordinated performance really stood out. The combined effect was excellence.”


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