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Our pupils joined the GDST Choir, rehearsing with talented singers from across the UK and performing at the Royal College of Music.

Following a day of rehearsals, led by the brilliant conductor and choral specialist Amy Bebbington, pupils from a dozen GDST schools performed a repertoire of newly commissioned work, all written by female composers. Seven of our finest singers from Year 10 to the Sixth Form joined the event, accompanied by our Assistant Director of Music, Miss Ellis, who directed a section of the day. Lara in Year 10 reports back on the experience:

“On Sunday, I was lucky enough to attend the GDST Sing event with singers from lots of different GDST schools.  We learned many songs written by female composers then, at the end of the day, there was a concert performed in front of parents and teachers. This was an amazing opportunity for everyone taking part… It was an incredible experience and I had a wonderful time!” 

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