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House Activities

House highlights of the term so far have included quizzes, spelling bees and the eagerly anticipated staff netball tournament.

The first half of the summer term has seen House mates across the year groups rally over breakfast socials, Modern Language-themed quizzes, and spelling bees; pupils also gathered in the sports hall for one of the most fiercely contested challenges of the year: Staff House Netball. Teachers, support staff and members of the senior leadership team, including Mrs Paul, took to the netball court for an energetic tournament to raise money for our school charities and accumulate points for their Houses. Espousing the school values, this year’s closely fought contest saw some committed leaping, aspirational shooting and creative interpretations of the offside rule, whilst pupils courageously spectated from close quarters and our Sixth Form netball captains kindly umpired.  Congratulations to everyone involved for such spirited performances and enthusiastic cheering, and to Bodington on this year’s win.

The community looks forward to plenty more opportunities to compete for their Houses after half term, with Chess, Dance and, of course, Sports Day in store…

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