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Mitzvah Day

Founder of Mitzvah Day, alumna Laura Marks CBE, returned to thank the school community for their commitment to social action.

Laura began Mitzvah Day two decades ago, with the aim of encouraging people of all faiths and no faith to come together and spend a little time and effort helping others. It is now an annual, worldwide initiative marked by thousands of people globally. Earlier this year, Laura was awarded a CBE for services to interfaith relations, Holocaust and genocide education, and women’s empowerment.

South Hampstead has supported the initiative for many years and has picked up the Mitzvah Day Outstanding Youth Achievement Award on numerous occasions. This year, the community came together to help two local charities: the JW3 foodbank, who alleviate local food poverty, and Sebby’s Corner, who help North London families in temporary accommodation. The charities were inundated with vanloads of food, children’s clothing and other supplies. Laura joined a group of pupil and staff volunteers and spent a busy breaktime sorting all the items with fellow Mitzvah Day supporter Rachel Riley MBE, the Channel 4 Countdown maths whizz, who praised the girls for their efforts on Twitter/X: “Just had the loveliest morning at South Hampstead High School… so heartening. Their girls were instantly impressive.”

Thank you to all our pupils, parents and staff who donated items so generously again this year.

Through volunteering, fundraising and helping in the local community, pupils are involved in a wealth of charitable activities, helping to foster a culture of kindness, commitment and an outward-looking ethos.

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