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A New Chapter for Mrs Johnson

At the end of term, South Hampstead says goodbye to one of its longest standing teachers: Amanda Johnson has taught Philosophy & Religion for almost 30 years.

She joined the department in 1991 when it was only possible to study the subject at A Level.  She leaves in 2020 having passed on a love and passion of her subject to countless students who frequently say that Mrs Johnson’s Philosophy & Religion (P&R) classes are one of the most enjoyable at school.

Amanda has seen many different teaching methods and styles during her 30 year career, but her attitude to lessons has remained the same. “I’ve always wanted to have a strong rapport with the students, have a good relationship with them and bring humour and enthusiasm to the lessons. The technological advances in teaching have transformed how I present information, but the passion and love for the subject has remained the same, and that’s what has carried me through 29 years – the passion of the girls here.”

Amanda has worked tirelessly to raise the profile of P&R at South Hampstead, resulting in increased numbers of students taking her subject at GCSE, A Level and going on to study Theology at university.  “In 2005, we had 17 students studying P&R, but every A Level year group I teach are brilliantly dedicated, regardless of the class size.” South Hampstead has three GCSE P&R classes and average A Level classes of 12. Thanks to Amanda, it is now recognised as a core humanity GCSE choice alongside History and Geography.  She also worked with the Senior Leadership Team to add ‘philosophy’ to the course title giving the subject a greater academic focus.  “Studying religion is not just learning about Bible stories! Many of us are unaware that Theology was one of the earliest subjects ever taught at university. P&R is connected to so many areas in life.  The subject involves understanding people, civilisations and what makes people tick.  I’ve really enjoyed making my case for the subject at South Hampstead and grateful for Senior Leadership Team listening to me over the years.”

Another area of school life where Amanda has shown a long-standing dedication is through her work as the representative for the former ATL, now called the NEU (National Education Union).  In her role, she has represented staff on pay, hours and working conditions.  She has also sat on Union boards at GDST and was asked to give her views to the former CEO Helen Fraser.  “I’ve used my role as union rep to give teaching and support staff a voice, demonstrating how important their role is in the school. My proudest achievements are where we have been able to show the value of all staff to the South Hampstead community.” Amanda comes from a family of teachers and it is no surprise to me that she adds, “To me, this role shows the value of the profession and how the well-being of teachers is as important as students. If you have happy staff, the students are happy, and you achieve good teaching results.”

Just before the end of term, Amanda celebrated 29 years of teaching at South Hampstead with a socially-distanced tea in Waterlow Hall with her closest colleagues and friends. They describe her as a teacher who “speaks her mind and is never scared to stand up for what she believes in. She cares deeply about her students and colleagues and has put herself forward to represent and to support us.”  There is lighter side to her too and another teacher recalls how “Amanda’s infectious laugh in the quiet staff room always put everyone at ease, especially me on my first day in a new role.  She is a teacher who would teach lessons that were always serious and informative, but they would also have moments of absurdity and joy.”

Many alumnae have said that they cannot image South Hampstead without Mrs Johnson because, like so many other former pupils, she had such an impact on their learning… “She brought, and I’m sure continues to bring, such passion and enthusiasm about different religions and cultures to her lessons.” Other former students have said that Mrs Johnson was “by far one of the kindest teachers I’ve ever had the pleasure of being taught by. I don’t think I will ever lose my enthusiasm for religious, ethical, and philosophical studies.”

Thank you Amanda for everything you have done – for our pupils, our staff, our community. We wish you every success as you travel northwards to be nearer family.  Mehr Licht for what we all hope will be a happy and fulfilling next chapter.

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