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Eco Champions

South Hampstead has been celebrated at the Camden Eco Champion Awards for our community’s commitment to creating positive change.

The Camden Clean Air Initiative is a not-for-profit action group working to increase the quality of air in the borough of Camden.  Their annual Eco Champion Awards recognise those in the community who go above and beyond to protect our environment.

At the awards ceremony at the Roundhouse, Mayor of Camden, Councillor Nasim Ali OBE, addressed the students and teachers in the borough who are helping to make a difference.  Our School Consultant Teacher for Sustainability, Ms Wrigglesworth, picked up the top ‘local leader’ prize, praised for her work on integrating education on climate change and sustainability throughout the school community and beyond.

“This award is very much a team endeavour. Pupils, staff and parents have been so supportive, enabling us to galvanise a genuinely integrated approach to sustainability.  We still have a lot to achieve, but I am grateful to our community’s energy and commitment to working collaboratively. I’m thrilled that everyone’s efforts have been recognised.” 

Initiatives this term have included tree-planting for all Year 7 pupils and a developing a new eco garden – a partnership between our Junior School and our neighbouring Holy Trinity Primary School.


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