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Lystra Riches Obituary

‘A totally charming man, with a wicked sense of humour and a keen eye for the ridiculous.’

Our alumnae have been paying tribute to Lystra Riches, our former Head of Chemistry, who passed away earlier this term.

Mr Riches, Head of Chemistry from 1990 to 2007, joined South Hampstead after a career that had already spanned a wide range of schools, including ones in Jamaica and Madrid. He found his natural habitat at South Hampstead and immediately seemed at home amid the school’s intellectual rigour and lively buzz. His extensive experience reportedly gave him the aura of a leisurely amateur, despite his scholarly prowess. He fostered a sense curiosity, encouraging his pupils to expand their horizons and to think for themselves. His love and amazement for the beauty and power of Science was infectious, as the numerous wonderful messages from former pupils and colleagues testify: memories of Lystra Riches. He is remembered with warmth and affection by the whole South Hampstead community.

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