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Motivational Monday – Sustainable Finance Intern

We spoke to Class of 2019 alumna Eva Xenios about her route into work via a master’s degree and a banking internship.

Eva’s fondly recalls her time at South Hampstead, particularly the independence of her Sixth Form years. “We all became really close during Sixth Form, and those friendships have lasted. I’m still in contact with many of my school friends.”

At school, Eva was especially inspired by the innovative teaching of Mr Hansford (Maths) and Dr Osborne (Physics), leading her to study Physics at Imperial College London – an integrated master’s course, including a year abroad. After completing two years of study in London, she spent a year in Madrid where she became part of a research group, culminating in the writing of her master’s thesis – an opportunity that helped her formulate ideas about her future.

During her studies, Eva took part in an internship with BNP Paribas where she learnt about sustainable finance and banking. She gained insight into investment banking and was pleased to find that her analytical skills from Physics, and her knowledge and passion for sustainability, were valued highly in the role. Subsequently, BNP Paribas offered her a full-time position, starting this September.

Achieving an internship is competitive, but Eva notes how the opportunities she gained at South Hampstead helped her to get a foot in the door. “We had many external talks from so many interesting people – we would learn so much beyond academics. I was able to connect with Physicist and alumna Dr Jess Wade, for example – that was so helpful to shaping my ideas about what I wanted to do.”

Eva’s advice to those entering the world of work? “Work hard at what you enjoy. Make the most of every opportunity because sometimes the small things have a bigger impact than you might expect.”

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