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Orchestral Brilliance

Congratulations to Maya in Year 11, who has won a place in the prestigious National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain 2020.

Maya has been playing the violin since just before her 5th birthday, joining South Hampstead in Year 7 as a music scholar and achieving Grade 8 by the age of 13. Maya describes the music department at South Hampstead as: “Incredibly enthusiastic and supportive. There are so many performing opportunities.” Maya plays in two school orchestras and a string quartet and joins the regular Friday lunchtime scholars’ recitals. Like most music scholars, she took Music GCSE in Year 9. As well as the violin, she plays the viola, has regular rehearsals with one of the staff pianists and is studying for Grade 8 theory. Outside school, Maya plays in another string quartet, has played with the National Children’s Orchestra and National Youth Orchesta (NYO) Inspire.

The NYO, “the world’s greatest orchestra of teenagers”, encourages musicians to “break through to the next level of orchestral brilliance.” Each year they audition hundreds of applicants, looking for musicians who combine technical aptitude and flair for orchestral playing, with an adventurous spirit, an open mind and a willingness to be part of a very big team. The two-round audition process involves playing solo pieces to a panel of NYO coaches and workshops with other candidates, playing and working on orchestral excerpts with the NYO coaches, to test ensemble skills. Maya commented: “It was quite tough, but I’m really looking forward to being part of it and playing in national venues over the course of the year.” 

Music Scholarships are available for entry at Year 7 (11+) and the Sixth Form (16+): prestigious awards which provide talented musicians with a broad range of outstanding opportunities to support and develop their musical progression. Appointments are made on the basis of current playing ability, as well as potential, and likely contribution to the life of the Music Department – find out more.




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